Reasons why Cns Pharmaceuticals Inc’s (NASDAQ:CNSP) fundamentals are futile

In yesterday’s Wall Street session, Cns Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ:CNSP) shares traded at $0.14, down -5.72% from the previous session. CNSP stock price is now -92.35% away from the 50-day moving average and -99.55% away from the 200-day moving average. The market capitalization of the company currently stands at $0.40M. On August 24, 2020, Ladenburg Thalmann […]

An overview of Ascent Solar Technologies Inc’s (ASTI) institutional holdings

The price of Ascent Solar Technologies Inc (NASDAQ:ASTI) shares last traded on Wall Street fell -20.35% to $0.04. ASTI stock price is now -62.67% away from the 50-day moving average and -91.67% away from the 200-day moving average. The market capitalization of the company currently stands at $3.73M. In other news, Peterson David Theodore JR, […]